
Freeky Sweepy Wobulator BOM


Bill of Materials

1 Arduino UNO R3 See item
1 Nokia 5110 LCD Display See item
1 Analog Device DDS-9850 See Item
1 Encoder 24 pulses with N.O. Push button momemtary switch See item
10 -- 10K 1/8W resistors
3 -- 2.7K 1/8W resistors
6 -- Push button N.O. Momentary contact swicthes (5 if encoder has push button)
2 -- 1N914 Diodes
3 -- 0.1uf bypass caps 6V or higher
3 -- Red Banana jacks
3 -- Black Banana jacks
2 -- BNC jacks
1 -- 10K Pot for VCO mode
1 -- (optional) 50 Ohm output attenuation pot

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