Lesson #1

Learn the H1 thru H6, BR break, P paragraph, HR Horizontal Rule, &xx; Escape tags

Header Two

Header Three

Header Four

Header Five
Header Six
Under 70 line of html text
The web page skeleton is usually 
  <title>Title text</title>
<!-- Comment begin 
--> comment end 

BR is line a CR/LF in html since white space and cr lf mean nothing as far formatting goes if you make your web browser wider and narrower you will see this text wraps as needed.
HR is a horizontal ruler

The tag for the HR is closed in it self
The above is a open and closed HR tag
The P is for a new paragraph This is a web page to demonstrate some simple H1 thru H6 formatting

After P shows how a paragraph look with some simple text and HR is for horizontal rulers the attribute can be 100% by default or 50% or 1% wide

This is the last third paragraph about tis simple lesson number one

If I want to display a less than i use < an & is an ampersign so i use &lt; to show < and &gt; to show a >

Three simple formats are:
B for BOLD
U for underline
I for Italics
They look like this <B> Text in bold tag </B> The B U I can be lower case or uppercase

What we learned open and close tags and self closing tags the end in /> such as <hr/> H1 .. H6 <H1> </H1>

Every should page closed the body and html section this text is within a P tag